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Wealth and Income Inequality in Colleyville, Texas

two local experts

Here's what two local experts had to say about wealth and income inequality in Colleyville, Texas.

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Colleyville, Texas, is an affluent, mostly quiet and peaceful suburb of Dallas. It has many wooded areas, parks, and ponds. One important thing to note is that many of the roads in the residential areas are narrow, lacking in street lights, and challenging to drive on as the roads consist of only one lane per direction; those who wish to visit should plan to take alternate roads and especially should not drive in the area at night, as it can be quite dangerous.

Someone moving to Colleyville should know it is a quiet, predominantly wealthy city. It consists largely of suburban families and elderly citizens. There are few family-owned shops and restaurants. The city is also fairly safe. There are many young couples and children. The school district is highly awarded. Most people attend church.

Orlando, says: 2020
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