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Things To Do in Glasgow, Scotland

14 local experts

Is Glasgow boring? Is it fun? How do people relax in their free time? From playing and watching live sports to listening to live music to volunteering, here's what 14 local experts had to say about things to do in Glasgow, Scotland.

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Glasgow is a friendly, modern city with reasonably good transport infrastructure. There’s plenty to see with many free museums and galleries. There are parks everywhere and all free to enter. Rental apartments are harder to find and becoming more expensive. The weather isn’t the reason to visit Glasgow, although the summer days are long due to its northerly location. Ignore the talk about crime, it’s a thing of the past and it’s a very safe city.

Glasgow is a beautiful city, perhaps most known for its wet climate, but there is so much more to it as well. For example, it has one of the UK’s top universities, the University of Glasgow, as well as a great music scene. The city is also known for being one of the greenest cities in the UK, with plenty of parks as well as beautiful countryside surroundings.

Glasgow is one of the largest cities in the UK. Although Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Glasgow is still its most populated city. There are a variety of historical universities located here including the university I currently attend, The University of Strathclyde. The city is in the centre of Scotland and has a river running through it.

Natalie, says: 2020

Glasgow is frequently overlooked by travellers with regards to the vibrant arts and culture throughout the city. Walk down the back alleys off Princess Street and come face to face with some of the best street graffiti on the planet; duck into one of the myriad bars and pubs and find world-class jazz while you discover the joys of a good whiskey. There is something here for everyone to love, from a lively Goth subculture to the high arts at Kelvingrove Museum. Glasgow is lively, rowdy, rambunctious, and occasionally dangerous, but it’s never boring.

They would need to know the public transport system is good, the city centre is excellent for shopping and sightseeing. The people are very friendly and welcoming. There is a broad range of cuisine on offer in the many restaurants and cafes, including Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Italian, American and British of course.

Glasgow is a very wet city and receives high rainfall levels throughout the year. It can be unpleasant during wet weather but the landscape is lush and verdant. Locals tend to make the most of dry, warm weather by flocking to the city’s many parks and open spaces. May is the driest month and July the warmest.

Natalie, says: 2020

Glasgow is a diverse, multicultural city. It is renowned for its friendly locals and premium hospitality, and contains many award-winning restaurants, interesting visitor attractions and stellar nightlife. It is a city packed full of history, and that history can be experienced on every street. Bring an umbrella however; the weather is seldom favourable!

Lynsey, says: 2020

Glasgow is a vibrant and energetic city which caters for all. From glorious inner city parks, numerous music venues, museums, and the latest trends in restaurants, there’s something for everyone. Not forgetting the famous landmarks like the Barras, where you can pick up a bargain. Glasgow banter included for free, of course.

Glasgow is a cultured and welcoming city filled with beautiful historic landmarks and overall friendly inhabitants. The City Centre is a frequently visited spot with many shops to explore and sites to see, including the well-known statue of the Duke of Wellington with the additional feature of his hat, an orange traffic cone. Glasgow’s nightlife is large part of the cities culture as many bars and clubs flourish to life throughout the night and into the next day.

Anyone moving here should knowhow draining the weather in Glasgow can be. Considering the frosty and mostly wet weather, I would advise anyone visiting Glasgow to take their snug jackets with them and most importantly an umbrella. What tourists should also know is that the public transport in Glasgow, let’s just say, isn’t as magnificent as many might think.

Someone moving to Glasgow should know the people are friendly, there’s lots of nightlife and it can be quite rainy. It’s very close to some amazing scenery, Loch Lomond is only an hour away, which is easily accessible by the many trains and buses one can catch from the city centre. It is on the West coast of Scotland on the river Clyde and has 800,000 or so inhabitants.

Glasgow is a fun vibrant city with a wide array of activities for different people. We have a very diverse culture, the people are some of the friendliest in the world. The scenery is second to none, within an hour or so you can be in a totally different world dependant on your wants. Sea, hills or forests – we have it all!

Anyone moving to Glasgow should know the people of the city welcome diversity. The city has a mixture of cultures and there is an overwhelming sense of inclusivity. There is plenty to do; there are art galleries, museums and parks to explore.

Douglas, says: 2020

Know Glasgow is a place of great history and diverse culture. The weather is mostly cold and constantly changing as the day goes on, so it would be best to have a wardrobe suited to the particular climate of the city. There are many sights to see ranging from art galleries, to historical buildings and to local gems that only someone living there would discover.

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