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What are transportation options and challenges in Midland, Texas?

two local experts

Are there taxis in Midland? What about scooters? What are the public transportation options? Here's what two local experts had to say about transportation methods in Midland, Texas.

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They say when you enter Midland, leave your standards at the county line. Be it the plumes of flaming natural gas, minimal enforcement of traffic laws, or the overwhelmingly one sided ratio of men to women. In my personal observations, I’ve tentatively concluded Midland is a place almost solely for the tenacious.

The city of Midland, Texas, is not pedestrian-friendly. There are hardly any sidewalks and few if any proper crosswalks. This is unsurprising for a place in oil country, but it is surprising for a city. It is even more surprising that there does not seem to be a strong need for this accommodation. People rarely seem to walk places, even where there are sidewalks.

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