
Your blog has been selected by the Crowdsourced Explorer community as a Top Travel Blog!

Why are you receiving this award?

You have earned this award because your blog has been recognized by the community for going above and beyond in providing exemplary travel information and stories. 

This award will make it easier for people looking for travel advice to see that your blog is a highly regarded and trustworthy source of information. Use this award badge on your site to show visitors (new and returning) that an independent source has recognized your blog as a trustworthy, credible, and entertaining source of travel content.

What are the next steps?

1. Add the award badge to your site

Select one of the badges (options here) and link it to this explanatory page so that others can see you won and know why.​

2. Tell your friends and followers

Your hard work is being recognized! Post it on social media and let others know that your blog has been selected as a phenomenal resource by an inquisitive community of travel lovers and experts. 

3. Enjoy the applause and greater engagement.

Your award—an emblem of credibility—will likely lead to people spending more time on and engaging more deeply with your wonderful site.
