Population: 22,975

Living in Lagoa, Portugal:
Tips for Moving and Visiting

one local expert

If you've been wondering what it's like to live in or visit Lagoa, the Crowdsourced Explorer community can help. We asked one person living in Lagoa what someone who is considering moving to or visiting there should know. Here are their pros and cons, tips, and advice:


One comment on “Lagoa”

Lagoa is very multicultural – with a mixture of people coming from many parts of Europe. English is widely spoken by the younger generation; however, older people tend to only speak their native Portuguese. If you speak Portuguese or, at least try to, this will be well regarded. If you cannot speak fluent Portuguese, it is advisable to have an online translation dictionary to help you with day-to-day words. There are also many sources online where you can find Portuguese language courses for free. Youtube is a very good resource.

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See other cities and towns in Faro.
