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The History of Drogheda, County Louth

three local experts

From dinosaurs to explorers to wars, here's what three local experts had to say about the history of Drogheda, County Louth.

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There is a massive housing crisis here, it’s difficult to find a place to rent near major cities at an affordable price, and almost impossible if you have pets. It’s also difficult to move out on your own so be prepared to house share if you are single. There is a quaint beauty to Ireland that’s almost lost in time. A rich history and beautiful rural villages. So apart from the dark clouds most of the year it is not all gloom. Definitely worth it.

The Town of Drogheda is a beautiful place to live or vacation. It has amazing scenery and wonderful infrastructure and lots of fun things to do to pass the time. It is a very historical Town and area with lots of monuments and historical buildings. The landscape is stunning and the seaside is breathtaking and well worth a visit.

Lórien, says: 2020

Anyone moving here should know is a city filled with the friendliest people who you will ever meet. There is not a person in this city who would walk past you and not greet you. It is merely impossible! The city is also filled with interesting and characterizing history that people from all over are sure to appreciate.

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