Population: 9,043

Living in Davenport, Florida:
Tips for Moving and Visiting

one local expert

If you've been wondering what it's like to live in or visit Davenport, the Crowdsourced Explorer community can help. We asked one person living in Davenport what someone who is considering moving to or visiting there should know. Here are their pros and cons, tips, and advice:


One comment on “Davenport”

Living closely to theme parks, such as Disney, creates a myriad of both advantages and disadvantages. For example, while there is convenience in living near a theme park, tourists create large crowds at local shops and restaurants. Those who hold disdain for highly populated areas or seek a life further away from lights, traffic, and loud noises may not find a pleasant home here.

Kenneth, says: 2020

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See other cities and towns in Florida.
