Living in Avaneeswaram, Kerala:
Tips for Moving and Visiting

one local expert

If you've been wondering what it's like to live in or visit Avaneeswaram, the Crowdsourced Explorer community can help. We asked one person living in Avaneeswaram what someone who is considering moving to or visiting there should know. Here are their pros and cons, tips, and advice:


One comment on “Avaneeswaram”

Avaneeswaram is a small village in the beautiful district of Kollam in Kerala. A key advantage of moving to this locality is that nature co-exists with mankind here and it offers you a rejuvenating retreat from the buzz of city-life. All key necessities are available for purchase within the locality, but you might have to travel quite a distance. A helpful tip to keep in mind, is to be respectful of the culture and the traditions, especially when interacting with the locals. If being one with nature is your true calling, then this is the place for you!

Mohammad, says: 2020

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